Cool Temps Sweater Weather Morning Rains NO WALK My Sunshine Bird

Cool Temps Sweater Weather Morning Rains NO WALK My Sunshine Bird

Nothing Like a Bright Goldfinch to Brighten a Dark Cloudy Day

This little bit of sunshine surely brightened my day on an otherwise very dark day. He only stayed for a couple of minutes or less and never returned.


Somehow I caught its mouth wide open. I saw it but did not know I captured it.

Vying For Feeder

Kind of lined up waiting their turn.

Almost There After a Bit of Acrobatics

Almost There After a Bit of Acrobatics

Made  it! Carolina Chickadee

Made it! Carolina Chickadee

In Line Tufted Titmouse

Lined up – There seems to be a pecking order even within the same kind of bird.

Carolina Chickadee

The Carolina Chickadee seems to be lower on the pecking order but it waits patiently for its turn.

A Cat Has Nine Lives So How Many Does Wren With Missing Tail Have

This little wren seems to have lost its tail.

I did not go for my walk as was raining early am so just slept in until 8. There was no reason later in the day that I could not have walked….I JUST DID NOT. It is really easy to skip walking if you give in to it. One time skipping leads to another time skipping and so on so is best to not skip at all even if it is just for a short walk.

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